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Statgraphics Plus 5.1 Gratis 31

comentarios: the statgraphics team has been very responsive when i have had technical issues with the software, typically responding to email inquiries within an hour or two. the software tutorials are very good, showing clearly how to set up an analyses and how to interpret it. the backup stat tutorials, explaining the statistics, are excellent as well.

statgraphics plus 5.1 gratis 31

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a las caractersticas ya conocidas de statgraphics (una herramienta de anlisis de datos muy potente, totalmente compatible con windows, con sus ms de 260 procedimientos de anlisis y con una interfaz grfica muy amigable) el nuevo statgraphics centurion xix ahora incluye un nuevo formato de archivo para la gestin de big data, statlets interactivos para la visualizacin dinmica de datos, mapas demogrficos mejorados, un interface con r mejorado y mucho ms.

comentarios: the statgraphics team has been very responsive when i have had technical issues with the software, typically responding to email inquiries within an hour or two. the software tutorials are very good, showing clearly how to set up an analyses and how to interpret it. the backup stat tutorials, explaining the statistics, are excellent as well.

comentarios: we use it for analyzing our production process. we create some interesting plots and use its capability to find all possible trends and patterns. we are not statisticians, but we are flexible enough to use it. sometimes we have to find a trend to identify our problem, or find outliers.

comentarios: you can't always get what you want. we're looking for a solution that can automate the curve fitting of known data and we don't want a mathematician pounding away at the computer. that's one of the reasons that we went with statgraphics (which is convenient, but not too difficult). if you choose a solution that requires real statistical talent, it's hard to make it work for the arbitrary data that we generate.


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